Enjoy over 11 hours of video content from over 7 International Experts

Here are just a few nuggets of the insights you will discover with each of the interviews: 

Julie Simon:
How do you know if you are an Emotional Eater

Julie gave a checklist to determine if you are an emotional eater, as well as techniques necessary to change things in the moment and powerful models you can implement today. Her parting words: “Recovery is Possible; wherever you find yourself.”

Charmaine Platon:
A Breakdown of Emotional Eating; It’s not your Fault

Charmaine discussed the brain’s role in cravings and explained that it is not because we are not disciplined.

She also shared the Four steps to create a habit loop, how to gain awareness and consciousness about stress patterns, triggers, and craving patterns; and ended with visualization, self-love, self-worth, and gratitude.

Terri Lance
Emotional Eating: How to unhook from the reasons of self sabotage and start living the SELF we want

Terri discussed how to unhook from the reasons we self sabotage and start living the SELF we want. One of the points she made is that, as a society, we do not have a tolerance for being uncomfortable. We need to face our discomfort and be conscious of what we are doing and why.

Ashleigh Di Lellot:
The Brain’s Role in Cravings

Ashleigh discussed the connection between our thoughts, belief system, and the meanings we give to them. She also discussed the fact that the brain is designed to do the familiar and it consistently does not make space to reprogram a new belief system while still running the old ones. Therefore we have to change our brain’s meaning of the past to help support the meaning of what we want now and moving forward.

She shared four (4) steps to make that mental shift, that the brain can always be reprogrammed, as well as the reasons that affirmations do not work for some. Because society attaches so much meaning to food, she shared that we should not let other people’s limited vision define the vision we have for our lives. WE have the choice to LIVE and NOT DIE! Ashleigh also discussed the POWER of the subconscious mind!

DeDee Cai:
Motivation and Mindset around Cravings

DeDee shared how to tap into your strength to tackle big challenges, six ways to stay motivated and committed to your health and business goals. She went on to share why we procrastinate and her practical strategies to overcome our lack of urgency.

Most importantly she shared how to develop the mental toughness and the mindset shift necessary to overcome challenges. The key is to embrace the experience, learn from the lesson and be hopeful of who we become on the other side.

We ended the conversation with ways to increase the use of our brain capacity to maximize our lives of abundance!

Errin Smith:
The Top 10 Insights from “What We Crave”

She has her own interview series called “What we Crave” and she shared her top 10 insights from what she learned over the past year.

Before the top 10 insights we discussed her 5 Pillars of Health and how diet and exercise are not enough. The Five Pillars are Gut Health, Sleep, Detoxification, Nutrition, dealing with Emotional and Physical trauma. All of which she covered in her top 10 insights.

Favorite Quotes: “Addiction is not looking for love in the wrong places,” and “You don’t have an EATING problem you have a LIVING problem.”


A Message from Kathy

You can absolutely crush your cravings and overcome emotional eating!

I’m on your side.

With love,
Kathy “Sugar Free Girl” Williams